After overcoming his own battle with addiction, Blake Cohen began his career in the field of substance abuse treatment. He wrote the book I Love You, More to offer perspective to family members – including the addict and their loved ones about what a family unit endures when one of its members struggles with addiction. He earned a state certification as an Addictions Professional to better assist those struggling with substance use disorders
A deep conversation took place in this episode. Blake shared his journey of how he became a drug addict, how he sobered up, and how he continues to stay drug free. It's an inspiring redemption story that shows no matter how lost we feel, there's always a way to get back up on our feet.
A big moment for Blake was when he thought bigger than himself. A rough conversation with his father at the police station was Blake's wake up call. Whether you're addicted to drugs or not, you may know someone who is...or just have a bad habit you want to break. If so, this episode is for you.
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Blake's Book: I Love You, More
Grow Your Influence Book Series